A nation salutes you


This past Sunday marked Veterans’ Day, with the day of observance continuing over onto this past Monday. As a country filled with millions of individuals swamped and overwhelmed by many responsibilities, daily routines, and life callings we must, at least for this one day, take the time to truly contemplate the men and women who have served this country during our most dire of needs and those who currently do so.

Yes. Those who serve both previously and currently are ordinary people like you and me. However, in my eyes they are an exceptional kind, possessing a trait that lack. Their loyalty and allegiance to this great nation is present in all that they do.

Like many in this great nation I know of at least one person currently serving or who has served. These are our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and friends. When speaking to a veteran or a current serviceperson one quickly grasps a vital and unequivocal point –their love of America.

This point was made perfectly clear to me a few years back. I remember speaking with a good college friend who served overseas. While sitting at our university’s student lounge our group’s conversation slowly turned sociopolitical when one asked, “You probably believed in the war. Isn’t that why you enlisted?” My friend, ever so eloquent and articulate, simply something along the lines of, “It’s not whether you agree or not with war because , in reality, no one likes war. The issue has to do whether you will stand up for your country in good times and in bad. In a way it is like a marriage between you and your country.”

This conversation struck a cord with me. Since that day I somewhat started to comprehend the deep commitment those who have served and continue to serve have for this great nation without reservations.

These brave individuals risk it all –putting their lives on the line to protect their families, friends and a slew of strangers they will most likely never come across. Their love, respect and deep commitment for their country and everything that it stands for is admirable. Their devotion is complete, unconditional and long-lasting.

Because of all you have done and continue to do serving this country, I thank you. This nation thanks you.

-Jennifer Vazquez

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