To the Editor:

This is in response to an article recently appearing in The Observer: “St Cecilia feeling pastoral gap.” Rev. Yuvan and Rev. Michael certainly deserve the accolades given to them. We were truly blessed to have both priests as our spiritual leaders for so many years. Yes, they did build up our church and helped to make St. Cecilia’s what it is today.

However, we need to go forward and welcome with open arms our new pastor, Father John. His background is extensive, some of which includes working with troubled youths in group homes, serving as a lay missioner in Mexico for six years, and working as a pastor of Holy Rosary – St. Michael’s Church in Elizabeth for 13 years, all very admirable and commendable works.

We have to remember what to be Catholic means – one, whole, universal. If we are truly Catholic, we will come together as one Spanish, Portuguese, English parishioners working as one.

So, we welcome you, Father John! Let us all support each other, and continue to make St. Cecilia’s our wonderful, spiritual, Catholic home.

Rosalie Rivellini


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