Travel to Tuscaloosa to aid in tornado recovery

By Jim Hague
How do a bunch of kids from Nutley have a connection with the people who were devastated by the deadly tornadoes that ravaged Tuscaloosa, Ala., three months ago?
It’s simple.
Nutley High School football assistant coach J.D. Vick is a native of Tuscaloosa, having lived there until moving to Essex County two years ago to continue his work toward a master’s degree.
Vick was home in Alabama when the vicious tornadoes struck in May and while his family and friends were saved from the devastation, it still was an emotional time.
“I grew up there and lived my whole life there,” Vick said. “The tornado struck just north of where I was. I couldn’t believe the damage. It was so widespread. There were landmarks that I used to use to get around and they were totally gone. Things I had seen my whole life and they’re now gone. It was unbelievable.”
Vick was able to remain in Tuscaloosa and helped with the cleanup and recovery for a while.
To read the full story, see this week’s issue of The Observer.