Tax break OK’d for Passaic Ave. project

KEARNY – After a prolonged discussion in private session on Tuesday, April 25, the Kearny municipal body…

Kearny kicks off 150th anniversary celebration

KEARNY – Colette Koeppel came to see her 6-year-old granddaughter Ava sing “My Country ‘tis of Thee”…

Charter school fees impact school budget

KEARNY – The Kearny Board of Education budget is in and the news is bad. That’s because…

Discard unused meds at NPD HQ

The Nutley Police Department has created a permanent medicine drop box on the second floor of…

KPD: What a lovely bracelet you have! 

If someone gave you an ankle bracelet from, say, Tiffany’s, it would just be an item of…

Delayed report, quick arrests

  KEARNY – It apparently took a local robbery victim nine hours to notify police of the…

As Mother’s Day nears … 

At about 10:10 a.m. on Monday, April 24,  Kearny police received a call about an apparently impaired…

Kearny’s Bravest & Finest

KEARNY – American Legion Post 99 was the setting Friday night, April 21, for its awards ceremony…

Time to kick back & relish beginnings

KEARNY – After a lot of talk and planning, it’s finally happening: Kearny is set to kick…

Centenarian celebrates

BELLEVILLE – A lifelong Belleville resident and WWII veteran achieved a big milestone Monday, April 24. Joseph…

Voters hear from office-seekers at forum

LYNDHURST – Presumably they came to fight but, by and large, there was more unity than division…

Guilty plea in bank robbery spree

KEARNY – The man who was responsible for four area bank robberies within a month last year, who reportedly…

 KPD: Baby formula & pepper spray 

At 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 17,  Officer David Bush was in the BJ’s lot conferring with…

‘Routine’ traffic stop was anything but

KEARNY – On Saturday, April 15, KPD Officers Michael Gontarczuk and Sean Podolski were on patrol in South…

KPD Facebook post: Cop’s quick thinking may have saved lives

The following post is from the Kearny Police Department's Facebook page. It's sparked a large-scale discussion…