By Karen Zautyk
When we think of the KUEZ these days, we think of Mark Twain, who famously said: “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”
Despite being deprived of state money in the past fiscal year, the Kearny Urban Enterprise Zone is still chugging along. In fact, the street work you recently saw in progress along Kearny Ave. from Bergen to Quincy Aves. was being funded by the initiative, which has been in operation since January 1986.
But it is facing a fiscal crunch, and that could lead to a cutback in the community programs it sponsors, reports John Peneda, KUEZ department head.
We sat down with Peneda in the KUEZ offices in the Town Hall Annex to learn a bit more about the current challenges, which have their roots in the Christie administration’s decision to use UEZ money to deal with the state deficit.
To read the full story, see this week’s issue of The Observer.