To the Publisher:

I am writing this to you in the hope that it will be printed in your paper before the May 21 Board of Education meeting. All I can say to the BOE members is “WOW”! What were you people thinking at your special meeting? I am a parent/ taxpayer with children in Franklin School and I am honestly dumbfounded by your lack of concern for the education of the 1,000 + students in the school. You were elected to set policy for the district that is in the best interest of the students. You are not elected to hire and fire people because you do not care for them or because you do not like the person that hired them. By choosing not to renew Mr. Hoff as vice principal of Franklin School, you have overstepped your boundaries. I have never seen any of you at a Franklin School function, with the exception of Mr. Castelli and Mrs. Schalago, therefore, how can you say he isn’t doing a good job? He is there every day for the students – my children!!! The students of Franklin School have been through several changes over the last few years with a principal retiring, an interim principal, a vice principal moving to another school, a guidance counselor moving to another school and then finally getting a new principal and vice principal. Now for reasons unknown except to you, you decide to once again cause turmoil in the school. Is this fair? I know you will come up with some excuse/reason, because that is what politicians do.

Elizabeth Young,


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