Marking the moment

Photo by Karen Zautyk


Photo montage is one of four that are part of the Sept. 11 monument in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington.


By far the largest Sept. 11 10th anniversary ceremony in The Observer’s readership area took place Sunday afternoon at Holy Cross Cemetery in North Arlington, where an estimated 2,000 people were expected to attend Mass and the formal dedication of the 9/11 Memorial Monument sponsored by the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Newark.
Presiding over the rites was the Most Rev. John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark.
An honor guard of 30 North Arlington firefighters stood watch, to a background of pipe music and to hymns and anthems perfromed by the archdiocese’s Combined Cathedral Choirs and Brass Ensemble.
The monument itself, two 20-foot tall, 38-inch square stainless steel towers, echoing the basic form of the lost World Trade Center, stands near the area of Holy Cross where local 9/11 victims are buried.
These towers though are, one could say, “broken.” There are gaps created by two “falling” pieces, covered in antique stained glass, which combine to form a 5-foot-tall cross. So, while the structures are broken, they are also emblematic of healing. And of hope.
At the base are four photo montages, combining images not only of Ground Zero but also the Pentagon and the field in Shanksville, Pa., where Flight 93 crashed. Comprising more than 45 separate images, the panels are titled “Initial Attack,” “Immediate Aftermath,” “Recovery and Healing” and “Veterans.”
Nearby is a pillar bearing charred, twisted beams taken from the WTC ruins.
Architect for the memorial was Edward T. Czuba. Bronna A. Butler was the designer and project manager.
Whether glittering in the sunlight, washed by rain or reflecting drifting snow, this work of love and art will be a monument for all seasons. And for the seasons of the soul and the heart.
— Karen Zautyk

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