Highlights from the Lyndhurst Police blotter

March 27

At 9:26 p.m., police pulled over a vehicle driven by Daniel Smolensky, 23, of Lyndhurst, at Kingsland and Riverside Aves. Police said that the vehicle had tinted windows and that its taillights weren’t working. Smolensky was ticketed for those alleged motor vehicle violations. He was also charged with possession of marijuana. He was released pending a court appearance.

March 25

A house burglary was reported to police at 5:30 p.m. Police said the incident occurred in the 700 block of Stuyvesant Ave. where someone apparently shattered a rear glass door to gain entry. Assorted jewelry was reported missing, police said. The Bergen County Sheriff ’s BCI responded and the case is under investigation, police said.

March 24

Police pulled over a vehicle at 1:11 a.m. at Kingsland and Stuyvesant Aves. While questioning the driver about an expired registration, police said the driver, Nicola Coiro, 21, of Lyndhurst, began yelling at the officers. Coiro was ticketed for disorderly conduct and driving with an expired registration and the vehicle was towed.

March 23

A 21-year-old North Arlington man reported the theft of his off-road Trek bicycle at noon. Police said the man told them he’d parked the bike on Valley Brook Ave. near Woods Court before entering the meadows to go bird watching. Upon returning, the man said, the bike was gone. The bike was valued at $600, police said.

A Lyndhurst man called police at 9:08 a.m. to report the theft of a battery from his 2004 Isuzu truck while it was parked at the Ridge Exxon station on Ridge Road.

At 5:30 a.m., police got a call about criminal mischief to an auto. Police said the owner, a 28-year-old Lyndhurst man, told them that someone had thrown a concrete paving stone through the windshield of his 2007 Infiniti while it was parked in the 200 block of Post Ave.

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