By Jim Hague
Observer Sports Writer
Ten-year-old Jonathan Muller of Kearny loves playing basketball, but there was one aspect to young Jonathan’s game that needed a little refining.
“My dribbling was a little hard to control,” said Muller, a student of Roosevelt School. “I had to work on that.”
Esteban Martinez is a 13-year-old student at Lincoln School in Kearny. Another avid fan of basketball, Martinez said that there was a part of his game that was lacking.
“My defense is something I needed to get better at,” Martinez said. “I had to learn how to stay down on defense and not stand up.”
Muller and Martinez were just two of approximately 50 local youngsters who participated in the recent Kearny boys’ basketball camp, sponsored in part by the Police Athletic League, at Kearny High School.
Under the direction of Kearny High School head coach Bob McDonnell, the youngsters learned a lot about the fundamentals of basketball while having a lot of fun at the same time.
In a town where soccer is first, followed by soccer and then soccer, it was refreshing to see so many kids interested in playing another sport, other than, say soccer.
“I would definitely say numbers are up,” said McDonnell, a long-time youth and underclass coach in Kearny before taking over the varsity program last year. “The interest is definitely there. We had at least three kids stay home from their family vacations in order to come to the camp. It was a really nice week. We have so many kids who are eager to learn, want to know the basics of basketball. I didn’t have any misconceptions about what it would be like, but seeing the joy in their faces when they do something correct is so rewarding.”
Added McDonnell, “We tried to give them something different to learn each day, whether it’s shooting, passing, rebounding. It varied from day to day. You could see that the kids never got bored. They were into it, especially the young kids. I give them credit. They really worked hard.”
The staff featured Kearny assistant Mike Reilly, a former head coach at McNair Academic in Jersey City for three decades, as well as former Kearny High players Mike Trama and Dylan Hoch and Mohammed Farih, who went from Kearny High to walk on to the roster at St. Peter’s University.
“They do a great job of helping with the young kids,” McDonnell said.
Another Kearny High grad Tommy McDermott, who went on to play at New Jersey City University and still plays on a semi-pro level, was another counselor.
Farih brought a lot of the knowledge he’s gained as being part of the St. Peter’s program for the last three years.
“We did a lot of the drills that they do at St. Peter’s, thanks to Mo,” McDonnell said. “It’s a fresh perspective for all of us. You need to keep it fresh for the kids.”

Camp director Bob McDonnell (center left) and St. Peter’s University player
Mohammed Farih (center right) during the recent Kearny PAL boys’ summer league at Kearny High.
McDonnell said the campers could relate to people like Farih and Hoch.
“It has been a great week,” McDonnell said. “It refreshes me, dealing with the younger kids.”
McDonnell said that at least five former campers have moved on to become members of his varsity squad.
“It’s one of the first times I get to see these kids play,” McDonnell said. “It’s like getting a head start.”
Isiah Wheeler is a 14-yearold student from Lincoln School.
“I needed help working on my shooting form,” Wheeler said. “I was shooting with my arm too far to the left, so I had to work on that. Coming to the camp really helped me become a better player. It was a lot of fun and it encourages me to want to play more. It also helped me to get to know others.”
Like 16-year-old Steven Velez, who is a resident of North Arlington. Velez has been attending open gyms that McDonnell ran and felt comfortable with McDonnell so much that he decided to come to the camp again.
“I still have a lot to learn and I like what Coach McDonnell has to offer,” Velez said. Velez played for North Arlington in the summer league (also at Kearny High) all summer. “We all know our roles. I plan on playing a little more now to get ready for the season,” he said.
Velez said that “McDonnell is a great person and he’s willing to help everyone.”
“He knew me since I was like in seventh grade,” Velez said of McDonnell. “I went to his first camp when I was in seventh grade. I plan to keep coming back.”
Jason DaSilva is a 12-yearold student of Lincoln School.
“Coming to the camp has really helped me improve my game,” DaSilva said. “I wanted to play against my friends and I did.”
DaSilva also attended the Kearny Kids Kamp for baseball a few weeks ago.
“I kept busy this summer,” DaSilva said. “I knew this camp would keep me busy and help my game. I want to play more basketball.”
That was the ultimate goal – giving kids a chance to embrace the game of basketball.