To the editor:
Children who start their school day without a healthy meal are much less likely to have the nutrition they need to concentrate and learn. With growing poverty in New Jersey, “breakfast after the bell” is one of the most effective ways to battle childhood hunger.
Last school year, Hudson County jumped from 14th to fourth place in the state school breakfast participation rankings. School leaders in districts like East Newark and Harrison are all serving more than half of low-income children breakfast at school – and increasing the federal dollars their districts receive to feed hungry students. We applaud their efforts.
We encourage districts that have yet to switch to “breakfast after the bell” — especially Kearny — to implement this simple change. Districts that have implemented “breakfast after the bell” routinely report that logistical challenges are easily overcome and classroom breakfast becomes part of the morning routine. Not only do hungry children benefit, but the entire school community reaps the rewards of ensuring that every child begins the school day with a full stomach.
Nancy Parello
Advocates for Children of New Jersey, Newark
Co-chair of the NJ Food for Thought School Breakfast Campaign