Concern over ‘non-standard’ KHS shirt


Public school officials are cautioning Kearny High School students and parents to refrain from doing business with an entrepreneur reportedly hawking KHS shirts that do not conform to the school’s uniform policy.

A posting on the school website says: “It has come to our attention that an unauthorized vendor is selling KHS uniform shirts for $11 but these shirts are not the official uniform shirt. In fact, the color and logo do not match the official uniform, and the shirts are of a much lesser quality.”

The posting warns that, “Students who wear anything other than the official school uniform (red or black school shirts with khaki bottoms) will be subject to the high school discipline policy. … Uniform shirts are $13 from the approved vendors.”

Board Counsel Ken Lindenfelser told The Observer that because the board “has no exclusive contracts with any vendor,” and has no “copyright or trademark” agreement, it cannot seek a restraining order or injunction to prevent the vendor in question from selling the disputed garment.

All it can do, Lindenfelser said, is put the vendor on notice that the merchandise at issue does not comply with the district’s uniform shirt specifications. “The unauthorized vendor will be getting a letter shortly,” he added.

“The board wants to protect students and parents from buying what it considers to be substandard shirts from this vendor,” Lindenfelser said.

Lindenfelser did not identify the vendor in question.

– Ron Leir 

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