Then & Now

Photo courtesy North Arlington Public Library Photo by Karen Zautyk
Photo courtesy North Arlington Public Library                                                      Photo by Karen Zautyk


This rustic scene once graced the northwest corner of the intersection of Schuyler Ave. and the Belleville Pike at the Kearny-North Arlington border. The undated photo gives the address of the barn as 19 Schuyler Ave., which is the same address as the bank in the mall that stands there now. This was the grazing land and home for the work horses at Holy Cross Cemetery. The photo is undated, but the horses could have been working there as early as 1905, when, according to the book “A Place in History” by Merritt Ierley, the Archdiocese of Newark began buying land in North Arlington. The 205-acre cemetery site was complete by 1913, but the first burials did not take place until March 1915. When the work horses were replaced by motorized equipment and put out to pasture for the final time is not known.

– Karen Zautyk

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