JWCA Spelling Bee winners announced

Fourth- and fifth-graders gathered at Franklin School on Wednesday, Jan. 20, to participate in the 25th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by the Junior Woman’s Club of Arlington (JWCA). The winners were: Gordy Hu (fifth-grade, Garfield), first place; Renata Bystrowski (fifth-grade, Roosevelt), second place; and Adam Bousada (fourth-grade, Schulyer), third place.

The winning word was “vacation,” but these spellers were able to tackle many more challenging words throughout the rounds of competition.

The top three winners received prizes donated by the JWCA and all participants also received JWCA award certificates and bookmarks.

The top-three finishers are now eligible to compete in the District Spelling Bee, sponsored by the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs, on Saturday, Feb. 20, in Summit.

For information about the JWCA or any club projects, contact Brandi-Leigh Miller at info@jwcarlington.com; to learn about the NJSFWC, visit the federation website at www.njsfwc.org or call 732-249-5474.

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