Local scholars recognized

Kearny’s Faith Kennedy awarded major scholarship to Albright College

Faith Kennedy, of Kearny, has earned a $19,000 annual Presidential Scholarship to Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania. Currently attending the Academy of Technology and Design, Kennedy is interested in studying pre-med,  biology, general and/or Holocaust studies in college.

Presidential Scholarships, in the amount of $19,000 per year, are offered to students with outstanding academic records. Scholars generally rank in the top 5% of their graduating class and demonstrate strong leadership skills and a commitment to service.

Kearny’s Samantha Da Silva on Albright’s Dean’s List

Samantha Da Silva, of Kearny, has been named to the fall 2021 Dean’s List at Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania. A graduate of Kearny High School, Da Silva studied Spanish and secondary education during the fall semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must earn a GPA of 3.75 or better while taking a minimum of three letter-graded courses during a semester.

Garrett Gualtieri makes JMU Dean’s List

Kearny’s Garrett Gualtieri has been named to the Dean’s List at James Madison University in Virginia for the fall 2021 semester. Students who earn such honors must carry at least 12 graded credit hours and earn a GPA of between 3.5 and 3.899. Gualtieri is a management major.

Dozens of local scholars on Seton Hall’s Dean’s List

Scores of locals made the Dean’s List at Seton Hall University, South Orange, for the fall 2021 semester, including:

Sereen Abu Hawa, of Kearny; Oluwayinka Akindebe, of Bloomfield; Christian Almestica, of Belleville; Ohm Amin of Belleville; Pax Ardanz, of Nutley; Julia Baranowski, of Nutley; Carolina Barba, of Belleville; Gabriel Borges, of Bloomfield; Tameeah Browne, of Bloomfield; Alyssa Buccheri of North Arlington; Ari Burdulis, of Nutley; Joshua Calatayud, of Belleville; Jerrold Calvo, of Kearny; Jillian Cancela, of Lyndhurst; Cayla Carino, of Belleville; Durdanah Chowdhury, of Bloomfield; John Christman, of Nutley; Nicholas Cimicata, of Lyndhurst and Bernard Consalvo, of Lyndhurst.

Also, Lauren Costello, of Nutley; Teresa Cruz, of Bloomfield; Oliver De Leon, of Belleville; Brooke Decker, of Kearny; Pamela Diaz, of Kearny; Vivienne Dotoli, of Nutley; Matthew Duane, of North Arlington; Ammar Elshikh, of Kearny; Brielle Fabrizio, of Kearny; Kareem Fakry, of Kearny; Tyler Fearon, of Kearny; Priscilla Febus, of Bloomfield; Gianni Feraco, of Nutley; Emely Fermin, of North Arlington and Dominique Fina, of North Arlington.

Also, Isabel Fontanals, of Nutley; Brandon Furtado, of North Arlington; Timothy Georgetti, of Nutley; Vanessa Giraldo, of Lyndhurst; Julia Glowacki, of Lyndhurst; Gustavo Godoy, of Kearny; Aleksandra Golda of North Arlington; Denisse Gonzales, of Harrison; Gianna Gugliuzza, of North Arlington; Anna Henning, of Lyndhurst; Elaina Henning, of Lyndhurst; Noah Ibasitas, of Nutley; Emily Jablonowski, of Nutley; and Amy Jacobsen, of Nutley.

Also, Sydney Kunz , of Nutley; Sally Lai, of Bloomfield; James Laquindanum , of Belleville; Julia Liu, of Kearny; Nicole Lucero-Huert , of Kearny; Philip John Mabalatan, of Bloomfield; Jessica Marciniak, of Nutley; Sairis Martinez, of Lyndhurst; Isabelle Mazgaj, of Lyndhurst; Pooja Mehta, of Nutley; Joel Melendez, of Belleville; Scott Miceli, of Kearny; Naomi Miranda, of Kearny; and Sirish Modhagala, of North Arlington.

Also, Nick Morelli, of Lyndhurst; Cara Mia Norelli, of Bloomfield; Tyler Onove, of Bloomfield; Jack Otto, of Bloomfield; Andrew Palma, of Lyndhurst; Patrycja Parafinska, of Kearny; Tyler Partyka, of Lyndhurst; Justin Petracco, of Nutley; Yuvraj Raja, of Nutley; Sunny Rana, of Bloomfield; Jeremy Adam Resurreccion, of Bloomfield; Ivanna Rivera, of Lyndhurst; Lucia Rizzuto, of Nutley and Jonathan Rodrigues, of Kearny.

Also, Rafael Romero Quevedo, of Kearny; Sasha Rosario, of Belleville; Victoria Rusman, of North Arlington; Cristina Sabia, of Nutley; Anthony Sammarone, of Lyndhurst; Bianca Sanchez, of Kearny; Sean Sanchez , of Belleville; Alexia Seeram, of Belleville; Rawle-Ann Sobransingh, of Belleville; Jarod Soltmann, of Bloomfield; Evelyn Stewart, of Bloomfield; Kyara Syed, of Lyndhurst; Melanie Touchard, of Bloomfield; Christopher Twomey, of Belleville; Ethaniel Vega, of Kearny; Victoria Ventura, of Nutley; Dana Vo, of Belleville; Danny Vu, of Belleville; Rachel Walters, of Lyndhurst; Jordan Zarro, of Nutley and Nicolas Zuniga, of Belleville.

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Kevin A. Canessa Jr. is the editor of and broadcaster at The Observer, an organization he has served since 2006. He is responsible for the editorial content of the newspaper and website, the production of the e-Newspaper, writing several stories per week (including the weekly editorial), conducting live broadcasts on social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, and X, including a weekly recap of the news — and much more behind the scenes. Between 2006 and 2008, he introduced the newspaper to its first-ever blog — which included podcasts, audio and video. Originally from Jersey City, Kevin lived in Kearny until 2004, lived in Port St. Lucie. Florida, for four years until February 2016 and in March of that year, he moved back to Kearny to return to The Observer full time. Click Here to send Kevin an email.